Weekend's expected high tides lead to flood warnings

Unusually high tides this weekend may put low-lying areas in Ireland at risk of flooding, according to various Government agencies…

Unusually high tides this weekend may put low-lying areas in Ireland at risk of flooding, according to various Government agencies which have issued flood warnings.

Flooding could occur if adverse weather conditions coincide with these high tides, according to a report from the Office of Public Works released yesterday. Such conditions would include strong onshore winds, low atmospheric pressure, heavy rainfall or a combination of these factors.

"You can predict a year in advance when the tides are going to occur," said Pat Clarke, a Met Éireann meteorologist. "Normally, tides on their own don't cause difficulties.

"The problem that accentuates them is the type of weather that's around at the time," Mr Clarke continued, adding that high pressure, slack winds and dry conditions could slightly reduce a tide's height.


Kerry County Council issued a public advisory yesterday, predicting higher-than-normal tides from this Friday until October 9th.

The report stated that the highest tides could occur on Saturday and Sunday, and encouraged landowners in low-lying areas to keep drains on their property free from obstruction.

Galway City manager Joe MacGrath met emergency services representatives on Monday to plan for the threat of flooding to Galway city between October 5th and 10th.

"We are appealing especially to residents of the Quay Street, Fishmarket, Spanish Arch areas," Mr MacGrath said. "It is essential that homeowners and businesses take every precaution to guard against possible flooding by securing their own premises."

Low atmospheric pressure, combined with an unusually high tide could pose the greatest flooding risk to Galway on Friday. This is the second such warning from the Galway City Council in less than a month, and the council has also predicted high tides for early November.

The OPW advised people living in coastal areas to heed weather reports as these dates approach. The Galway City Council recommended that homeowners and businesses, especially in low-lying areas of the city consult www.flooding.ie