Wildlife offenders in North face jail

The North’s Environment Minister Alex Attwood has introduced custodial sentences for wildlife crimes committed in Northern Ireland…

The North’s Environment Minister Alex Attwood has introduced custodial sentences for wildlife crimes committed in Northern Ireland.

People collecting eggs of rare birds, poisoning birds of prey or badger baiting now face maximum sentences of up to six months in prison.

The SDLP minister yesterday also doubled to £5,000 (€5,754) the maximum fine for those who break the wildlife law.

He made the changes through the Wildlife and Natural Environment Act 2011 which has just come into effect. The Act extends protection to a wider range of wildlife including the basking shark, sea horse, puffin, red kite and cuckoo.


“The higher level of protection for these animals and birds means there should be no circumstances in which they can be killed or injured,” said Mr Attwood.

He has also introduced protection for more wild flowers such as parsley fern, juniper and melancholy thistle.