Pistorius trial focuses on screams heard by neighbours

Acoustics expert called by defence to give evidence about night Steenkamp was killed

South African Olympic and Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius greets a well wisher during his murder trial in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria today. Photograph: Mike Hutchings/Reuters.

The murder trial of Oscar Pistorius is focusing on the screams that neighbours say they heard on the night the athlete killed his girlfriend.

Chief prosecutor Gerrie Nel has questioned an acoustics expert who was called by the defence team as part of its effort to suggest some neighbours who testified they heard the screams of a woman were wrong.

They argue the witnesses actually heard the high-pitched screams of the double-amputee runner.

Pistorius fatally shot Reeva Steenkamp through a closed toilet door in his home in the early hours of February 14th last year.


He has testified at the Pretoria trial that he fired in the mistaken belief there was a dangerous intruder in his home.

The prosecution has alleged that he killed Ms Steenkamp after a Valentine's Day argument.