Former Bosnian Croat leader convicted of war crimes

Militia linked to Jadranko Prlic guilty of rapes, murders and Muslim deportations

Former Bosnian Croat leader Jadranko Prlic. Photograph: Reuters.

Former Bosnian Croat leader Jadranko Prlic was convicted of war crimes committed in Bosnia and sentenced to 25 years in jail at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague today.

Tribunal judges said that Prlic’s militia in the self-proclaimed ethnic Croat state of Herceg-Bosna were guilty of murder, rape and of illegal deportations of Muslims.

Prlic and five others were also held responsible for the destruction of the Ottoman-era Old Bridge at Mostar, whose shelling became a symbol of the ravages of the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict during the break-up of Yugoslavia.
