Sailor killed as Libyan forces shell Turkish ship

Vessel targeted after it was told not to approach coastal city, military spokesman says

The Libyan coastguard at a heavy machine gun position off the coast of the eastern port city of Misrata on May 9th. Turkey accused government forces of an unprovoked attack on its ship. Photograph: Mahmud Turkia/AFP/Getty Images

Forces loyal to Libya’s internationally recognised government said on Monday that they shelled a Turkish ship off the Libyan coast after it was warned not to approach.

One crew member was killed in what Turkey described as a "contemptible attack".

Libya is in a state of violent factional chaos, with two rival governments backed by various armed groups vying for control of the oil-producing north African state, including its ports.

The dry cargo ship was targeted about 10 miles from the coast on Sunday after it was told not to break a ban on approaching the eastern city of Derna, Libyan military spokesman Mohamed Hejazi told Reuters.


The Turkish foreign ministry said the vessel was shelled as it approached the nearby Mediterranean port of Tobruk and then attacked from the air as it tried to leave the area.

“We condemn strongly this contemptible attack which targeted a civilian ship in international waters and curse those who carried it out,” the ministry said in a statement, adding that Ankara had protested to the authorities in Libya.
