Body of Boston bomb suspect buried

Cemeteries and towns across US refused to provide grave for Tamerlan Tsarnaev

Reporters outside the Graham Putnam & Mahoney Funeral Parlor in Worcester where the body of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the two suspects in the Boston Marathon bombings, was being held while a burial place was sought. Photograph: Evan McGlinn/New York Times.

Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev's body has been buried, according to police in Worcester, Massachusetts, who did not disclose the location.

“As a result of our public appeal for help, a courageous and compassionate individual came forward to provide the assistance needed to properly bury the deceased,” said an announcement on the police department’s website.

“His body is no longer in the City of Worcester and is now entombed.”

Tsarnaev’s body had been at a Worcester funeral parlor as protesters held signs and chanted against interment in that city.


Cemeteries and towns across the US said they did not want it, including Boston and neighboring Cambridge, where Tsarnaev lived before the deadly attack.

Worcester police chief Gary J. Gemme had made a public appeal for a resolution. "We are not barbarians," he told reporters gathered outside the Graham Putnam and Mahoney Funerals office, in a Victorian-style house off of Main Street. "We bury the dead."

Tsarnaev (26) died in a firefight with police on April 19th, following a massive manhunt after the highest-profile terror attack on US soil since September 11th, 2001.

Tsarnaev’s 19-year-old brother Dzhokhar fled, leading to a lockdown of the 10th-largest US metropolitan area and his capture later that day.

Their attempt to escape the Boston area left one university police officer shot dead and a transit patrolman wounded.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, found hiding in a boat stored in the backyard of a home in Watertown, across the Charles River from Boston, faces federal charges, including using a weapon of mass destruction, and may receive a death sentence if convicted.

He is being held at a federal prison hospital outside Boston. The twin bombs - pressure cookers loaded with explosives, nails, metal shards and BBs - exploded April 15th near the finish line of the marathon, killing three spectators and injuring more than 260, according to prosecutors and court documents.

Many survivors lost limbs. The older brother was declared dead in a Boston hospital April 19th and his body was released May 2nd by the Massachusetts medical examiner’s office.

Tsarnaev's uncle, Ruslan Tsarni, drove to Worcester from his Maryland home and has been at the funeral parlor trying find a place for burial.

He has taken responsibility for the body, according to Sergeant Kerry Hazelhurst, a Worcester police spokesman. Mr Tsarni went in and out of the funeral home several times yesterday and declined to talk with reporters.
