Attitudes to refugees

Sir - The Irish Times/MRBI poll on attitudes to refugees published in your newspaper on Monday contained two questions concerning…

Sir - The Irish Times/MRBI poll on attitudes to refugees published in your newspaper on Monday contained two questions concerning a limitation on refugees entering Ireland. We wish to express our concern over what appears to be a misunderstanding of Ireland's international legal obligations vis-a-vis refugees and asylum seekers.

Ireland is a party to the 1951 Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. As such the Government of Ireland agreed to accord refugees on its territory the rights as stipulated by the Convention.

In accordance with this international legal obligation all persons seeking asylum must be provided with an opportunity to establish their protection needs in an asylum procedure. This does not allow for a limitation or a quota on refugees admitted to the territory. To do so would be a breach of the Geneva Convention, and indeed of other international instruments to which Ireland is a signatory, such as the European Human Rights Convention.

It is unfortunate that the survey only further contributes to the high level of misunderstanding and confusion between immigration - the regulation of which is the prerogative of States - and refugee issues, which are governed by international legal obligations. - Yours, etc.,


Michael Lindenbauer, Liaison Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2.