Corrections & Clarifications

AN ARTICLE in yesterday's edition reported Mr Justice MacMenamin's ruling that two children, brought to Ireland two years ago…

AN ARTICLE in yesterday's edition reported Mr Justice MacMenamin's ruling that two children, brought to Ireland two years ago, should be returned to Australia where their father lives. The headline on the article stated wrongly that the judge had ordered the return of the children to the father.

Mr Justice MacMenamin ordered the return of the children to Australia - pending family law matters being heard. An Australian court will decide the issue of custody. Pending that final determination the children will remain in the custody of their mother.

An article in last Monday's edition, on high-rise developments in Dublin, stated incorrectly that Dublin City Council had not sought further information from the developers regarding the height of a replacement building for the former Motor Tax Office in Chancery Street.

In fact, the first item in the planning department's request for further details asked the applicants to justify the proposed 11-storey block having regard to the Markets Area Framework Plan, under which the site was earmarked for a development of five to eight storeys.


The photograph of an apartment block in Bridgefoot Street was also inaccurate, in that the building shown was not intended to be 13 storeys high. The proposed 13-storey building, reduced by An Bord Pleanála to eight storeys, is intended for a site farther down the street.