Economic radicalism

Liz Truss at the Tory party conference

Sir, – Your report says that Liz Truss’s “initially uncertain delivery” at the Tory party conference “was bolstered when her speech was disrupted by two protesters with a Greenpeace flag” (“Liz Truss tries to rally MPs and reassure markets”, News, October 5th).

However, Ms Truss’s crass labelling of the two environmental protesters as part of “the anti-growth coalition” also demonstrated why she is destined to fail as British prime minister.

Undoubtedly, the Tory leader’s positioning of rapid economic growth in direct opposition to protecting the environment makes her more radically right-wing than the vast majority of the British people. Indeed, her economic radicalism is too extreme for most of her own parliamentary party.

Conservative MPs will either quickly remove her as leader or will make their party unmanageable.


If, somehow, Ms Truss manages to hang on to power until the next general election, the Tories will certainly lose to Labour. There is no route left for her to survive as Britain’s long-term prime minister. – Yours, etc,


Arbour Hill,
