Sir, – I wholeheartedly agree with Philip Connolly’s views on RTÉ radio (Letters, November 14th). I suggest that those drawing up the schedules take a look at BBC Radio 4 to see how to do it properly. BBC 4 provides an eclectic mix of programmes, something that cannot be said of RTÉ Radio 1. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 13.
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Sir, – Philip Connolly complains about RTÉ radio, citing its regular schedule as a problem. It is worth nothing that radio is as popular, if not more so, today than it has ever been, and this surely suggests that RTÉ's approach is successful and relevant. In any case, almost all radio stations follow a similar approach to scheduling.
As for Mr Connolly’s call for dedicated arts and science programmes, there are many such programmes already scheduled; meanwhile, there is surely a compelling argument that covering science, arts and cultural items on general listening programmes renders them more accessible to everyone, and not just to a niche audience.
It is the quality of the programme making and broadcasting that matters, and in this Ireland is doing well. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 16.
Sir, – I agree completely with Philip Connolly on RTÉ Radio 1′s outdated and stale daily schedule.
Thankfully I have an internet radio in my home.
It broadcasts the whole world. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 8.