Sir, – The level of design dysfunction at Dún Laoghaire Baths goes well beyond the disability access problems reported by Deirdre Falvey (“Dún Laoghaire Baths hit by accessibility problem weeks after €18 million complex opens”, News, January 20th).
A key feature of the new facility is a concrete pier, referred to in the original plans as a “pier for swimming”. Unfortunately access to the water from the pier is severely restricted by the installation of unsightly steel fencing all along its length. As a result, swimmers can only access the water via a set of narrow steps. Added to this, the entire area dries at low tide and so for around half the time won’t be deep enough to accommodate swimmers.
All in marked contrast with the Forty Foot facility just along the coast, designed by Victorian amateurs, but fortunately with the capacity to meet the needs of all users and at all states of the tide. – Yours, etc,
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Co Dublin.