Sir, – I feel it would focus the minds of our legislators on the housing crisis if all TDs and Senators were to be moved out of Leinster House to allow people and families without accommodation to move in.
It would, of course, be a temporary arrangement as they would quickly resolve the problems.
Those who presently “work” in the building could work from home.
If any of them insist on coming to Dublin they could be accommodated in tents on the Leinster House lawn. Heating would be provided by the hot air generated by our representatives.
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The more we learn about smell, the more crucial it proves to our wellbeing
Irish property market is rigged in favour of those who get parental gifts of up to €100,000
What’s the best EV for a 400km round trip without stopping and charging?
The Leinster House parking area could be permanently repurposed as a children’s play area. – Yours, etc,
Co Dublin.