Sir, – I read with interest the article “Reform of planning system to accelerate home building rejected as ‘unworkable’ by planners” (News, March 27th) with great interest.
It seems the more we see political interference in the planning system, the more cumbersome it becomes, and difficulty in delivering much-needed housing grows.
Politicians seem to believe the solution is to introduce more planning policy. It’s almost as if they must interfere. It may get them column inches but delivers not one house. With the result that such policies as the regional spatial economic strategies are making it impossible to deliver housing by local authorities or An Bord Pleanála, as they are compelled to adhere to these policies. A better approach would be to relax policies on height and density in regional, development and local area plans.
We must have accurate population figures to support sustainable development to ensure thousands of homes are permitted, not refused, as seems to be the current outcome. This approach would contribute to easing the current housing emergency in a significant way. – Yours, etc,
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Co Dublin.