Sir, – I recently visited Belfast and joined a tour about the Troubles and West Belfast. I was saddened to see the continued segregation of communities through walls, gates, and fear. I was also startled by the lack of reporting on this in the Republic. What can we do in the Republic to better understand and help this ongoing situation? – Yours, etc,
Co Kildare.
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Sir, – I read with interest the letter by Joseph O’Hanlon (Letters, May 29th). I have been living in Northern Ireland for 73 years and the issue is nothing to do with a unitary state or bald electoral statistics.
It is to do with learning to live with each other and share the space before there is any movement toward a single jurisdiction. Do we really want a huge rump of disaffected unionists in a new Ireland? We tried the reverse of that in 1922 when 40 per cent of the population was shoehorned into a contrived state that turned out to be a failure. We need to work it out up here first. Be careful what you wish for. – Yours, etc,
Co Fermanagh.