Sir, – When launching the Government’s latest plan to end child poverty, the Taoiseach rightly asserted that “happy childhoods are the foundation for realising broader economic, environmental and social goals” (“Child poverty plan to focus on early learning and care, childcare and free school meals”, News, August 1st).
However, considering Fine Gael has been in government for over 12 years, many people could be forgiven for scepticism regarding this apparent new focus on breaking the cycle of poverty for the most vulnerable in society.
Consider the evidence. According to Social Justice Ireland, in 2022, 188,602 children lived in households that were below the poverty line and 247,574 children were living in households experiencing deprivation.
This, combined with the fact there are now over 3,500 homeless children in the State, makes these vague proclamations particularly jarring for an increasingly marginalised and unheard group in our society. – Yours, etc,
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Dublin 9.