Sir, – The Late Late Show set was a sorry sight. Why the big table?
Regarding the positioning of the chairs and the guests, they were on top of the host and each other. I imagine that both host and guests must be suffering from neck strain after the show!
I could recommend a good physiotherapist if the budget allows! – Yours, etc,
Fintan O’Toole: The idiot wind now howling through the US offers Ireland a transformative windfall
The more we learn about smell, the more crucial it proves to our wellbeing
Irish property market is rigged in favour of those who get parental gifts of up to €100,000
What’s the best EV for a 400km round trip without stopping and charging?
Dublin 6.
Sir, – Patrick Kielty was very enjoyable as the new host of the Late Late Show on RTÉ television on Friday night.
However, where on earth did RTÉ get that desk from? – Yours, etc,
Dublin 7.
Sir, – Why not have a coffee-table format for the Late Late Show productions, with the interviewer and the interviewee communicating over a low table?
I would like to see all guests seated at the same level, as if sitting at home or in a hotel lobby. This would add a degree of informality to the show and look more relaxed to the viewers. The current practice of the presenter being in a raised position, behind a desk and looking down ever so slightly on the guest, looks rather domineering. After all, this is a chat show. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 13.
Sir, – The Late Late Show, sponsored by Permananent TSB.
There’s a mortgage increase for everyone in the audience. – Yours, etc,
Co Wicklow.