Sir, – Michael McDowell is entirely correct that Dublin City Council bears a significant responsibility for the dereliction and appalling urban design that, to speak frankly, make Dublin an often ugly and unattractive city compared to its European counterparts (Opinion & Analysis, September 27).
It is embarrassing to explain to friends who have moved here that, despite living in one of the most expensive places on the planet, they should not expect action on dereliction and undeveloped sites. This is as true in the suburbs as the centre; with the exception of some postcodes, most of us live in a sprawling mess of housing estates that lack the amenities commonplace elsewhere.
However, discontent with how the council approaches design, architecture, and planning is nothing new; generations of Dubliners have battled with elected and unelected officials hostile to the idea that Dublin should have buildings, plazas, and streetscapes as beautiful as other cities. Therefore, while the call for urgent and significant change in how our capital is run and developed is laudable, the idea that such change will occur any time soon is fanciful.
As with our woeful public transport, our politicians and public service can seem defeated by complex problems and so opt instead for rhetoric and reports over meaningful action. – Yours, etc,
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Dublin 13.