Sir, – PS Halloween, 2023...
The sweety detritus, still in a bowl on the front-door window sill.
A few Refreshers, mini Haribos, Skull Pops, Skittles.
I take a Chupa Chup to sweeten my walk with the dog, out into new winter darkness.
Fintan O’Toole: The idiot wind now howling through the US offers Ireland a transformative windfall
The more we learn about smell, the more crucial it proves to our wellbeing
Irish property market is rigged in favour of those who get parental gifts of up to €100,000
What’s the best EV for a 400km round trip without stopping and charging?
I go at it... from the stem up... from the top down... around the bulb... searching for a secret tab to release the bullet of sweetness... to no avail. I walk on – I’ll take a scissors to it when I get home.
I envy the young lightning fingers of those who can Snap, text, DM, Insta...
Who can run their lives from the palm of their hands. Don’t dismiss it!
They would have had this packaging off in a TikTok. – Yours, etc,
Quin, Co Clare.