Sir, – Further to recent correspondence (Letters, November 14th and 15th), I purchased a batch of Bord na Móna-marked peat briquettes held by plastic strip, solely to display by my faux fireplace. The memories of a roaring fire. – Yours, etc,
Sir, – If any of your readers are considering investing in a couple of bales of peat briquettes in the hope of making a killing in the future, I have a few Dublin Millennium milk bottles that I could be persuaded to part with for the right price, if they wish to expand their portfolio. – Yours, etc,
Fintan O’Toole: The idiot wind now howling through the US offers Ireland a transformative windfall
The more we learn about smell, the more crucial it proves to our wellbeing
Irish property market is rigged in favour of those who get parental gifts of up to €100,000
What’s the best EV for a 400km round trip without stopping and charging?
Dublin 16.