Sir, – One wonders, given the continued expression of interest in carers and people with disabilities by Yes advocating politicians during the recent referendum campaigns, when can we expect to see this translating to functioning disability services?
A first step is proper oversight and accountability for senior management in both the HSE and Department of Health. The idea that resource misallocation and inefficient use of taxpayer resources in our health service is a victimless problem needs to end.
All the politicians who continually fail to hold senior permanent management accountable for failing disability services are enabling their behaviour. Inefficient use of taxpayer resources in the health service has resulted in services having to be provided by charities or parents having to take the HSE to the High Court. The days when people with disabilities have to depend on handouts rather than seeing the provision of services allowing them to participate in society as a human right are coming to an end.
In order to fund this, a far more rigorous and results-based approach to oversight of HSE spending needs to be implemented.
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Politicians need to implement a zero-tolerance approach to senior permanent health service managers who fail to provide functioning disability services. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 18.