A time to pull together

Madam, - In this time of national crisis, I would call on all high-earning Irish people to stop looking for loopholes and start…

Madam, - In this time of national crisis, I would call on all high-earning Irish people to stop looking for loopholes and start paying all their taxes in Ireland. U2 is an obvious target of this plea; but there are other less public figures, less easy targets, perhaps less vocal in the fight against poverty, who should equally consider what they can do for their country in this time of crisis.

Acts of personal philanthropy are to be lauded, as is social activism. However, taxes are there to cover the basic costs of the nation (whatever your opinion on how the current government handles our finances). Tax is a private, unglamorous contribution that does not lead to publicity. Paying taxes is a true and straightforward act of nationalism and has a direct and measurable impact on the welfare of all those living in the country. What simpler way to show your love for your fellow man? - Yours, etc,


The Locks,

Ringsend Road,

Dublin 4.