Madam, - One could be forgiven for wondering just what it will take for the current crisis in Kashmir to receive an appropriately alarmist airing.
Despite a catastrophe unfolding before our very eyes as a result of one of the most devastating earthquakes imaginable, it appears that any sort of news item is capable of usurping it for media space. Idle speculation about Roy Keane's career, postal disputes and next month's Budget are among the relatively trivial items that have kept Kashmir in the background over the past crucial month.
If this was happening just in the tabloids, one would not be too concerned, but the more respectable media must take their share of responsibility for prompting that most insidious term, donor fatigue.
In December, as the crisis in Kashmir reaches breaking point, the world's media have a last chance to meet their responsibilites before death tolls become even more embarrassing and history judges the rich, festive West in justifiably scathing terms. - Yours, etc,
SEAMUS LYNCH, Portrane, Co Dublin.