A chara, - The current controversy regarding the AIB's role in relation to the non-payment of DIRT tax is in danger of joining the beef tribunal, planning tribunal and all the other tribunals in giving us details and intricacies of the scams ad nauseam but without bringing the principal culprits to book for their crimes.
Tribunal fatigue is gripping the country as the complexities of the various scandals rise to levels which would make Machiavelli himself despair. What the PAYE taxpayers of this country want is justice. We want to see anyone who defrauded us and the State put behind bars. We also want reform of the tax system, not on the basis of everyone paying less tax, but on the basis of everyone paying a fair share based on their ability to pay, rather than on who they know and what they know. - Is mise.
Tom Crilly,
(Workers' Party),
Hastings Street,
Dublin 4.