Sir, - An Post currently displays a notice which reads that from January 1st it is obligatory for every letter addressed to somewhere outside Ireland to have an airmail sticker. The Irish economy would collapse without export and the amount of airmail stickers will surely run into many millions each month, and for what? If I write to businesses in the UK or Belgium and forget to use this obligatory airmail sticker what will happen? Will it go by train to Rosslare and arrive just in time to miss the boat to Wales? Will it be returned to me? Will it be destroyed?
Naturally one rarely expects our semi-state monopolies to do very much for our benefit but the pleasure of hearing some lackey trying to explain this absurdity as progress will almost be worth the massive, nationwide inconvenience. Yours, etc.,
Tinahely, Co Wicklow.
PS. - I bet this letter is the first that many business people knew about the ruling. - R.D.B.