All eyes on the hot optometrists

Sir, – Your ”What’s Hot” column in the Magazine, which I have always read and enjoyed, annoyed me last Saturday (May 9th). “Specsavers. Remote care, free optical and hearing consultations via video and phone now available.”

I am an independent optometrist. While most independent optometrists don’t offer hearing consultations, we have all been available for consultations with our patients and have gone in to our practices over the last seven weeks to put a screw in Mary’s glasses or to fix Peter’s because he sat on them, or, my favourite, because the dog chewed Alice’s spectacles (one of our more common emergencies). Most importantly, we have been available for our patients who have had a genuine optical emergency and have treated them via video consultation, by phone or personally as appropriate. Independent optometrists have always offered what the multiples have, with the very important addition of a personal service. Next Monday sees all optometrists, as well as some other businesses, reopening. “What’s Hot”? Independent optometrists and independent businesses certainly are. – Yours, etc,


Daly and Manning Opticians,



Dublin 9.