Sir, - I am directed by the Minister for Justice, Nora Owen, TD, to refer to the article by Mr Vincent Browne in The Irish Times of January 10th. Mr Browne states that in the course of the Committee Stage debate on the Courts and Court officers Bill last month, the Legislation and, Security Committee of Dail Eireann voted unanimously on an amendment to make solicitors eligible for appointment as judges of the High and Supreme Courts.
This is not correct. The position is that there were a number of amendments to the Bill tabled by deputies which proposed to qualify solicitors for appointment to the High and Supreme Courts, but there was no vote on those amendments.
The Minister undertook to consider the points made by deputies but gave no commitment on the matter. Subsequently, the Minister introduced an amendment which qualified Circuit Court judges of four years' standing for appointment to the High and Supreme Courts. That amendment was agreed to by the committee without a vote. - Yours, etc.,
Private secretary,
Office of the
Minister for Justice, Dublin.