Anyone For President?

Sir, - Mrs Mary Robinson has proved that the office of President must no longer be regarded as a cosy sinecure for retired/aged…

Sir, - Mrs Mary Robinson has proved that the office of President must no longer be regarded as a cosy sinecure for retired/aged/ failed loyal political party supporters. A politician is trained only to follow, or to further, the party line. The nature of the job prohibits an unbiased viewpoint, and discourages any personal choice that disagrees with party policy.

Legal practitioners, senior civil servants, and career diplomats, on the other hand, owe their position to their ability to analyse, to assess, and to make independent decisions. These professions carry a low public profile, but a successful member of any one of them would make an ideal President.

If we are to continue the development so ably signposted by President Robinson, could we please ensure that no politician succeeds her in office. - Yours, etc.,

Peter A. Grehan,


Caherdaniel, Killarney, Co. Kerry.