Sir, - As far as I am aware, not even the late Dr J.C. McQuaid ever sought to interfere with matters internal to the Church of Ireland. I am astounded that Dr Connell has the cast iron cheek to request the Anglican church in Ireland to amend its invitation to the faithful to partake in the Holy Communion.
If Dr Connell wishes to give strict instructions to his flock, well and good. Asking, in effect, that the Church of Ireland deny the Eucharist to those Roman Catholics who wish to partake of it is beyond belief. Does he expect our priests to invite "all those who wish to take Holy Communion to come forward - except Roman Catholics"?
Anglicans believe in freedom of conscience - something that Roman Catholics exercise when they choose, like President McAleese, to take Holy Communion in an Anglican church. I suggest that Dr Connell examines his own conscience. The offence, hurt and even anger that he has caused in the Church of Ireland is exacerbated by his tone which implies that Anglicans are in error anyway and therefore should get in line with the wishes of the One True Church.
Having discussed interchurch communion with hundreds of people in recent years, I have met very few members of Dr Connell's flock who turn down the invitation to share in the Eucharist with their Anglican neighbours. I wonder why this is?
T.C.F. Doorley, Cobh, Co Cork.