Attitudes to abortion

Madam, - Do we want Irish women not to choose abortion? Then we must make contraception and sex education widely available; …

Madam, - Do we want Irish women not to choose abortion? Then we must make contraception and sex education widely available; make access to good, State-funded childcare available; provide access to well-paid jobs with parental leave and no penalties; make adoption and counselling services more available; make the ability to raise a child a viable option for the women who are forced to decide that it's not and who travel to Britain or other parts of Europe to terminate their pregnancies.

If all the money that has gone into pro-life campaigns that work to prevent women from having access to safe and legal abortions in Ireland, or even the right to information or the ability to travel abroad to have an abortion elsewhere, went towards making our society a better place for parents to raise children, we would all be better off. - Yours, etc,

JENNIFER DEWAN, Douglas Street, Cork.