Broadband in the slow lane

Madam, - Your Editorial "Our broadband Deficit" (July 2nd) correctly highlights the failure in Ireland to develop high-speed…

Madam, - Your Editorial "Our broadband Deficit" (July 2nd) correctly highlights the failure in Ireland to develop high-speed broadband. Whether in Dublin or Donegal, we continue to rely on an outdated copper wire system.

Opportunities have been missed in the past. We could have future-proofed Ireland's housing stock by requiring the facility for high-speed broadband to be included during construction. We could have placed greater importance on high-speed broadband by including it in the Strategic Infrastructure Act. Digging and laying of the network represents 70 per cent of the cost of installation.

We look forward to the Government's forthcoming next-generation broadband strategy leading to a high-speed communications infrastructure that will power our knowledge economy. - Yours, etc,



President, Dublin Chamber of Commerce,

Clare Street,

Dublin 2.