Bush's policy on Cuba

Madam, - How amusing to hear President Bush call on Cubans to throw off the shackles of communism and blame Castro's regime …

Madam, - How amusing to hear President Bush call on Cubans to throw off the shackles of communism and blame Castro's regime for all of the country's troubles.

This from an administration elected twice in questionable circumstances and which continues enthusiastically to do business with some of the most repressive and undemocratic regimes on the planet as long as they toe the US line.

Nowhere is it mentioned that the current Cuban regime succeeded a dictator who was feted by the US and whose followers fled there to form the basis of the current Cuban lobby.

Advocating democracy for Cuba is, of course, important; but when such advocacy comes from a government whose actions through the embargo have significantly contributed to the hardship in Cuba, and whose record on democracy in Latin America is terrible, it leaves a bad taste in the mouth.


- Yours, etc,

BARRY WALSH, Church Road, Blackrock, Cork.