Cardinal and forgiveness

Madam, – Cardinal Brady asks whether “We have become too aggressive and impatient in relation to the weaknesses and failings…

Madam, – Cardinal Brady asks whether “We have become too aggressive and impatient in relation to the weaknesses and failings of others?” (Home News, September 13th).

This comment seems to be related to his past failing to report the serial abuser Fr Brendan Smyth to the police in time to stop his further raping of children.

Cardinal Brady is confusing personal responsibility with social responsibility in this instance. Nobody is judging him on a personal level but on his failure to fulfil his duty to protect the most vulnerable members of our society.

There are other cardinals in a like situation, Danneels of Belgium and Law of Boston, who took part in a deliberate cover-up of the sexual abuse of children.


These cardinals continue to enjoy Vatican privilege and, together with countless other bishops, have not suffered any sanction for their betrayal of their Gospel duties.

Until these high church figures are brought to account by the pope for their actions, the Catholic Church will remain stained by their corruption. – Yours, etc,



Co Dublin.