Sir, - Your reporter Rachel Borrill (June 7th), writing about President Robinson's visit to Queen Elizabeth, said that "Prince…

Sir, - Your reporter Rachel Borrill (June 7th), writing about President Robinson's visit to Queen Elizabeth, said that "Prince Edward had a green handkerchief in his suit pocket in honour of the occasion."

Anne Chambers in her book `Granuaile' tells us that in 1593 when Grace O'Malley, another Mayo woman like President Robinson, went to visit Queen Elizabeth I, that during their conversation, which was conducted in Latin, Grace required a handkerchief - "a minute cambric and lace one was handed to her. After using it she threw it into the fire, but Elizabeth informed her that it was meant to be put in her pocket. Amazed, Grace declared that in her, country they had a higher standard of cleanliness, than to pocket a soiled article." - Yours, etc.,

Hyde Park Ave.,



Co. Dublin.