Cometh the hour, cometh Cowen

Madam, - Peter Robbins (October 30th) says Brian Cowen has failed his party, let down the country and disappointed the other…

Madam, - Peter Robbins (October 30th) says Brian Cowen has failed his party, let down the country and disappointed the other citizens of the EU. I unequivocally reject this view.

The Taoiseach has presided over not only the most difficult Budget in recent history but also the biggest financial market crisis since the early 1930s. In both respects he has led his party and people admirably.

The Budget had to be tough, and it was the responsibility of the Government to ensure harsh decisions were taken in the long-term interest of the State. That these decisions put Mr Cowen directly in the line of fire marks him as a leader. The same can be said of the banking crisis. Had courageous decisions not been taken with speed and skill, we would now find ourself in a similar situation to Iceland. And the Molesworth Street marches would be a lot bigger. - Yours, etc,



Bushfield Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6.