Sir, - What a relief to see, on the news, that a large proportion of the Irish population is not interested in computers, and many consider the whole trend unsocial! Nowadays, when you ask for a particular title in a bookshop, the girl hits a few buttons and, staring at the screen, says: "We don't have it."
Enthusiasts tell me that I can get the Summa, all Aristotle, the Bible in Hebrew, even the newspaper on the screen. Surely part of the joy of reading, an essential part is to relax in an armchair by the fire before a reading lamp.
How could any sane person sit at a desk, your neck crouched like an American footballer and your hands nowhere, staring into a green screen while you pore over Articulus II Quaestio LXXVII? If we go on like this, Man will cease to be a social animal, and we will become a race of gorgon-eyed dodos. - Yours, etc.,
Co Wicklow.