Critical differences of opinion

Madam, - I wasn't surprised to see Peter Crawley continue his snide attack on Who By Fire in your round-up of the year in theatre…

Madam, - I wasn't surprised to see Peter Crawley continue his snide attack on Who By Firein your round-up of the year in theatre (Weekend Review, December 22nd).

This time he at least acknowledged that the play was met regularly with standing ovations - something which, obviously, irks him.

However, his summation that "giggling audience members" were hauled onto the stage to "become part of the Auschwitz experience" is inaccurate and does an injustice to the intelligence of that same audience.

His reference to Leonard Cohen's songs being "reworded" is much ado about very little. Two words were changed in 10 songs - with the writer's agreement. If this critic needs a bone to chew, he'll find one.


Mr Crawley didn't like the play. That's his prerogative; but the fact that he "stands bewildered on the platform" (of his own making and importance) is worth noting.

The full houses and standing ovations which greeted the play across the country and abroad suggest that Mr Crawley may have missed not just the train of his own thoughts but the point of the play.

I wish Mr Crawley a Happy Christmas and may the New Year bring him an open mind and a belief that is not, by his own admission, so easily beggared.

- Yours, etc,

JOHN MacKENNA, (Author, Who By Fire) Prusselstown, Athy, Co Kildare.