Cyclists, pedestrians and motorists

Sir, – Perhaps because of the present spell of good weather, there has been a huge increase in the number of young adults skateboarding on the pavements in this area (apparently as a part, or for all, of their commutes). In order to lessen the high risk of them colliding with cyclists, I am calling on the city council to create separate designated lanes on the pavements here for each of these two groups. – Yours, etc,


Ceannt Fort,

Mount Brown,


Dublin 8.

A chara, – If Dublin as a city is serious about promoting urban cycling, the most vital infrastructural change required is a large increase in dedicated bike lanes. Currently, many bike lanes are located at the edge of vehicle lanes, differentiated only by a road marking. This means cars can veer dangerously close to bicycles – a harrowing and downright unsafe experience for cyclists.

If we truly aspire to the continental ideal of making biking the preferred means of urban transportation (with all the corollary benefits to city traffic and public health such a change implies), we must build safe, functional lanes in which cars cannot enter.

If you build them, they will come! – Is mise,



An Muileann,

Oileán Chliara,

Co Mhaigh Eo.