Dealing With Immigration

A Chara, - I take issue with James J

A Chara, - I take issue with James J. McKenna (February 3rd) and others who talk of a correlation between the "increasing numbers of people arriving here" and the "large numbers of our young people sleeping on the streets". There is no correlation - and it is sickening that some people are prepared to use one very vulnerable group of our population as a battering ram against another vulnerable group.

According to Focus Point (1997 survey) the most significant causes of homelessness are family violence, abuse and rows - not refugees. In its report for 1995-96 the Simon Community said the main problems affecting residents of its shelters were alcohol related, with an increasing number suffering drug-related problems - again, no mention of refugees.

Nor is the problem of homelessness a recent phenomenon caused by the influx of refugees. The Simon Community was first established in Ireland in 1969, presumbly in reponse to a problem which existed at that time. In 1986 it was providing shelter for 453 people in Dublin; in 1995-6 it provided shelter for 460. So why this new-found interest, by those opposed to the refugee influx, in a problem which has existed for at least 30 years? And why the sudden explanation of the problem in terms of refugee numbers?

Homelessness is a complex problem. Those who experience it are vulnerable. Their exploitation for propoganda purposes is unacceptable. - Is mise,


From Adrian M. Kelly

Baile Nua na Maighe Cill Choca, Co Cill Dara.