Debate on childcare policy

Madam, - Both Breda O'Brien (Opinion, April 16th) and Victoria White (Letters, April 15th) quite rightly draw attention to the…

Madam, - Both Breda O'Brien (Opinion, April 16th) and Victoria White (Letters, April 15th) quite rightly draw attention to the child's needs when discussing childcare. For young children a home-like environment is best - probably even for older children. Childminders can best provide a safe, home-like environment. This is why we should focus on childminders when we consider improving childcare.

Childminding should be treated as a serious, essential service provided by trained, confident and suitable minders. This does not have to mean obsessive regulations and exaggerated training which would only create red tape. Sensible guidelines and short but effective training, including first-aid skills, could prepare minders for a career they can take seriously.

Tax-free earnings up to an agreed point to avoid excessive fees parents could not afford to pay would have to be part of the solution. Childminding needs to be affordable for the parents and a real career option for the minders. For children it needs to be what all childcare should be: safe, nurturing and caring. - Yours, etc.,

KIRSI HANIFIN, Templeroan Close, Knocklyon, Dublin 16.