Democracy and the top jobs

Madam, - Stewart Kelly (April 23rd) attempts to take a cheap shot at the US Secretary of State Dr Condoleezza Rice

Madam, - Stewart Kelly (April 23rd) attempts to take a cheap shot at the US Secretary of State Dr Condoleezza Rice. Noting her recent comments about the erosion of democracy in Russia due to presidential appointments for senior administrative positions, Mr Kelly seeks to remind Dr Rice of her own path to a top government job.

Unfortunate for Mr Kelly he has the gun facing the wrong way around.

President Bush nominated Dr Rice to be Secretary of State on the November 16th last. The president, as required by the US Constitution, then asked the Senate to "advise and consent" on the nomination. After three weeks of formal public hearings, the 100 elected Republicans and Democrats of the Senate voted 85 to 13 to confirm Dr Rice as Secretary of State on January 26th.

Perhaps in the future Mr Kelly could write about things that he knows about. - Yours, etc,


MICHAEL HIGGINS, Adare, Co Limerick.