'Der Pooka Mac Phellimey'

Sir, – As a footnote to Frank McNally’s Irishman’s Diary of September 24th, the first translation into German of At Swim-Two…

Sir, – As a footnote to Frank McNally's Irishman's Diary of September 24th, the first translation into German of At Swim-Two-Birdswas by Lore Fiedler. This edition was published by Rowolt.

My parents were friends of Brian O’Nolan and as he knew my mother, being Austrian, knew German, he sent her a copy which he inscribed as follows: “To Campe Colbert, After you and John have read this, perhaps you would let me know what sort of job ye think Lore Fiedler has done. I see on p.1 mention of der Pooka Mac Phellimey. Brian O’Nolan – hijus libri auctor 24 Feb. 1966”. – Yours, etc,


Dawson Court,

Cross Avenue,

Blackrock, Co Dublin.