Sir, - So Mirror Group Newspapers proposes to take over the Derry Journal group (which includes the Donegal Democrat and the Donegal People's Press). John Pilger, an internationally respected investigative reporter, refers in his latest book, Hidden Agendas, to the restrictive industrial relations practices indulged in by Mirror Group Newspapers (page 463, inter alia).The practices described fall far short of the ideals trumpeted by our political leadership when they talk about the "partnership approach". So far, no elected representative has referred in any meaningful way to this proposal. Why not? No union has yet issued any significant statement. Why not? Given that there is already unease being expressed at the supposed dominance of the Independent group, I feel disquiet at this self-imposed censorship.Does no-one care that a local newspaper group which has served us well for years is about to be swallowed up by a group which denies representation to itsworkers, and whose only commitment appears to be to the "bottom line"? - Yours, etc., Tony Canning,Meadowbank Park,Letterkenny,Co. Donegal.