Dublin Institute of Technology

Sir, – I agree with the president of the TUI Gerry Quinn (November 10th) about the critical importance of consultation with colleagues in an academic institution.

Earlier this year, as one form of consultation in a period of significant change, an independent survey was conducted with more than 2,000 colleagues across DIT.

Results from this important survey have been presented to the institute’s governing body, and to meetings of all academic leaders and managers of support functions.

The results have also been shared with our social partners and are being circulated to all colleagues. Through an institute-wide action plan, the results (both positive and negative) will be used to improve processes and the inclusiveness of decision-making.


This survey will be repeated every two years to review progress and to identify challenges that may emerge.

Such surveys are commonplace internationally but not yet in Irish higher education. As this changes, a national perspective may emerge. – Yours, etc,



Dublin Institute

of Technology,

Dublin 7.