Electronic border controls

Madam, - In the report headed "Gardaí to receive data on all air and sea passengers" (The Irish Times, November 9th), we are…

Madam, - In the report headed "Gardaí to receive data on all air and sea passengers" (The Irish Times, November 9th), we are informed both that the Garda Síochána has "long been concerned about the ease with which criminals can leave the Republic undetected, particularly by ferry to the UK", and that the new, and presumably expensive, "e-border" system will not apply to travel to the UK.

One can all too easily foresee "e-borders" being swiftly consigned to the e-dustbin, along with other ill-thought-through projects such as e-voting.

Why must Ireland re-invent the wheel? Twenty-eight of our European neighbours (but not the UK) have joined the tried and trusted Schengen border system which provides for all the e-border facilities demanded by the Garda.

If we joined, we would have not just information on people entering and leaving Ireland, but access to information on all passengers entering and leaving the whole of the EU. While Ireland remains outside the scheme, the Garda is excluded from access to this information.


But then, maybe the Government has a cushy number lined up for some friendly e-commerce company. - Yours, etc,

MARK SUGRUE, Drumcondra, Dublin 9.