Electronic voting

Madam, - The discussion of electronic voting in the media in recent days has missed the central point

Madam, - The discussion of electronic voting in the media in recent days has missed the central point. Electronic voting, as presently constituted, is inherently insecure. The track record of these systems in the United States, the country with most experience of electronic voting, is poor.

The conclusion of several detailed evaluations of these systems in the US is clear. Any system which does not have a paper trail as back-up, and which does not provide an immediate printed record for the voter of the vote actually recorded, is dangerous.

Given the low standards in Irish public life, it is only a matter of time before someone rigs one of these systems to deliver their chosen result, rather than ours. It isn't very hard to do. This represents a real threat to our democracy, and it should not be allowed to happen. - Yours, etc.,

Dr ANTHONY STAINES, The Park, Skerries, Co Dublin.


Madam, - If Minister Cullen succeeds in foisting on us his proposed paperless form of electronic voting, should we use it to vote only for parties espousing openness and transparency? - Yours, etc.,

BRENDAN TREACY, Drumree, Co Meath.