A chara, - Figures carried in your report "Decrease in numbers seeking asylum" (The Irish Times, November 11th) give a good glimpse of the numbers who have applied for asylum this year and their countries of origin. They are, however, quite misleading in terms of the total number who have been recognised as refugees.
In the Irish context an asylum-seeker may be recognised as a refugee following either a recommendation of the Refugee Applications Commissioner - at "first instance" - or, subsequently, on successful appeal to the Refugee Appeals Tribunal. The status afforded in both cases is identical.
Your figure of 304 refers not, as your report implies, to the total number recognised as refugees but only to those who were recognised at first instance. When those successful on appeal are added, the total for this year to date is just over 1,000 newly recognised refugees. A total of 1,990 were granted refugee status in Ireland last year.
Regarding the big drop in numbers seeking asylum in Ireland this year, it may be noted that, as recorded by UNHCR, the overall level of asylum applications submitted in 28 industrialised countries in the first eight months of this year is down by 16 per cent when compared with the same period last year.
Only the most optimistic will believe this is because the numbers in need of refuge have been reduced. - Is mise,
CEO, Irish Refugee Council,
Capel Street,
Dublin 1.