Sir, - In an editorial in your newspaper on (January 6) you wondered if Fianna Fail is alert to the difficulties lying ahead …

Sir, - In an editorial in your newspaper on (January 6) you wondered if Fianna Fail is alert to the difficulties lying ahead for the tourism industry. Even though the Rainbow Government, which has now entered its third year in office, has not properly addressed this issue, The Irish Times appears to consider Fianna Fail to already be in power as we were the only ones to which the question in the editorial was put.

May I say that we are happy to answer. The party is very alert to the difficulties, including the diminishing level of EU funds for tourism after 1999 and the continuing absence of progress on a national conference centre, and has held meetings with the industry about the matters. Fianna Fail is making the issue of post-1999 funding a central part of our policy document on tourism which will be launched shortly. A meeting between the Fianna Fail parliamentary party . and representatives of the tourism industry is also scheduled for early this year.

It is rather ironic that a national newspaper would complain about the lack of coverage tourism issues are receiving. If The Irish Times thinks the issues are so serious, why is it that the newspaper no longer has a designated tourism correspondent? Also, relative to other sectors, why does the newspaper dedicate so little space to tourism issues?

As Fianna Fail spokesperson on tourism, I have issued many articles and statements about the difficulties facing the industry and my concern about the Government's handling of the portfolio. Most of these have never seen the light of day in The Irish Times. The Dail Question Times on tourism and the Oireachtas Committee Estimate debates on tourism are also rarely covered by The Irish Times.


Tourism appears to be labelled as a good news sector, so it is not controversial enough for the media. The lack of coverage has not deterred me from continuing to highlight issues and I will shortly submit an article to The Irish Times on tourism matters. Perhaps your leader writer's concerns will extend to the rest of the newspaper and this time the statement will be published. - Yours, etc.,

Fianna Fail Spokesman Dail on Tourism and Trade, Eireann, Dublin 2.