Sir, - Charles Colthurst's letter would lead the uninformed reader to believe that forestry is an industry which can bring multiple benefits to the country with no hint of social consequence. Those of us who live in the shrinking areas of the West of Ireland, which have not been devoted to forestry by the powers that be, have a rather different perspective.
Early attempts at State forestry may well have been funded by the Irish taxpayer. The truth is however, that the tidal wave of private forestry which is now engulfing large areas of rural Ireland is still being funded by the taxpayer, albeit this time in the wider context of the EU.
Looked at in terms of a viable industry, collecting lollipop sticks from the gutter would be just as viable if it were given the same vast sums in grants and tax allowances as is forestry development in this country. As many in the western counties and Wicklow know to their cost, the result of this gold rush is an unplanned deluge of sitka spruce deserts which bring little benefit to the local economy, and very little to the national, given that a very large percentage of this private forestry - development is in fact owned by European corporate interests.
Groups such as Muintir Chuil Aodha, on whose behalf I write this letter, are too often branded as anti forestry agitators. This is far from the truth. All we seek is responsible forestry, with the right of local communities to be involved in the decision making process towards developments that have the potential radically to change, if not destroy, those communities.
As the law stands, I cannot build a porch on my front door without going through a planning process which invites the involvement of the community through the right of objection. At the same time, any EU national can buy the land next door to me and plant up to 168 acres, even if every man, woman and child in the parish objects.
Forestry, yes, but as part of a local development plan, not as part of a seeming licence to print money for corporate interest. - Is mise,
Muintir Chuil Aodha, Cuil-Aodha, Maghchromtha, Co Chorcai.