
Madam, – Watching former taioseach Bertie Ahern on the Freefall documentary reminded me of the film Jaws , where the police …

Madam, – Watching former taioseach Bertie Ahern on the Freefalldocumentary reminded me of the film Jaws, where the police chief wants the mayor to close the beaches.

The mayor insists there is no problem, his colleagues support him, so the beaches stay open, with the inevitable consequences. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 5.

Madam, – I have just sat through RTÉ's two-part documentary Freefall.

It showed that as a direct result of the damage inflicted on the Irish people by the politicians, the bankers, the regulator and the developers, through the course of the banking crisis and the inevitable slump it has caused, our country’s finances will be in tatters for at least a generation. Yet, despite the expensive lesson in economics which has made avid students of us all, we have learned nothing. Not a politician has been ousted or has had to give up a seat over the crisis. Not a banker has been jailed.


If there are no consequences to the reckless endangerment of a country by the people who control the purse-strings of an economy, there is nothing to stop a similar crisis from occurring in the future.

Banks and bankers will rise and make money again and look for the next “big thing”. That is their nature.

They will have nothing to fear from a country that will not hold them accountable for wrecking an economy. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.