Funding of healthcare

Madam, – The letter from Mr Hugh Flood, Dr Gerry Burke and Prof Pierce Grace (December 5th), with its simple solution to the…

Madam, – The letter from Mr Hugh Flood, Dr Gerry Burke and Prof Pierce Grace (December 5th), with its simple solution to the deadly inequity of access to healthcare, initially brought a lift to hearts that have been battered and bruised in the turmoil of recent times.

Was this a sign, given the time of year, that redemption was at hand? A letter that dripped with human decency and from three wise men, no less.

But as we survey all that has gone before, we realise that it is the wrong time of the year. What we need is for a repeat of the sweeping of the money makers from the temple. Just a little longer to wait. – Yours, etc,


